
The Tale of HOJICHA Pancake at Les Patisseries - Upper Thompson Road

Whether you want to sip a cup of coffee at a cafe or to order a glass of Teh Tarik at a kopitiam or to enjoy the mouthwatering dishes at restaurants, Upper Thompson Road has it all! 

Pacamara Boutique Coffee Roasters - Upper Thompson Road

I heard that Pacamara won the best cafe award not long after they opened back in 2014. The cafe itself is a collaboration between Oz Specialty Coffee and Thailand's famous Pacamara Coffee Roasters - bet it's okay to start raising your expectation =)

Situated along the Upper Thompson Road, this place is quite easy to be found judging from the crowd waiting for their tables (although we came after the peak lunch hours). 

Hong Kong: The 10 MUST EAT In This City That's All About Eating (and Shopping)!

With Christmas and New Year's just around the corner, all that matters now is being with your loved ones and enjoying this festive season to the fullest! Well, it's usually the time when you are full of happy thoughts planning to go somewhere cooler for a winter wonderland fiesta. Think about seasonal festivals, wintertime-only activities, and so on and on and on..

Hong Kong may not be your first destination of choice, but between the mild weather, the so-called food paradise, and the overflowing ads for end-of-year-sale, this city can be one of the best places to get a dose of holiday spirit!

Paddy Hills - South Buona Vista Road

Weekend brunch is now considered the casual meal for regular social event. From youngsters, dating couple, to family with kids - they all like to do brunch! It's all about getting together at the latest newest place, looking for mouth watering dishes you might want to feature on Instagram, even when you are not a foodie~
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